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Self-Care Tips


These times we are in, are very difficult and different from our normal. Due to Covid-19 virus and pandemic, we had to give up some things like social gatherings, handshakes, hugs and more. These are changes that are difficult for us to get used to, adults and children alike.

But we carry on, altogether, to learn our new normal and keep ourselves and everyone else safe.

Here is a free Mindfulness workshop:

*From Yukon Health and Social Services Facebook Page

During these unprecedented times, we should always remember our personal health and safety.

Here are some suggestions for self-care to restore wellness into your life.

1. Treat yourself to a favorite drink or dessert

2. Make time for stretching or exercise

3. Re-watch your favorite movie

4. Have a technology/gadget break

(i.e. 1 hour before bed or Sunday mornings)

5. Look through your favorite photos, Print and Hang them

6. Watch a Comedy (like this one)

Comment below if you have done some if these self-care tips and share how it helped you. 😊

See you in the next post!

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