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Feel good about you!


Building Block 2 talks about Self-esteem

Being loved, loveable, and capable builds healthy self-esteem in children and this helps them learn and grow through their experiences.

Take some time today to notice the unique qualities about the children in your life and tell them how much you value these special things (i.e. “You are so kind to help me set the table”).

This helps children to feel good about themselves. Feeling good about oneself is also related to the feeling of having some control over things, even small choices like what to have for a snack or which book to read together.

Take some chances within the day to let your children have a sense of control.

You can also purposely notice the positive and unique qualities in people around you and yourself.

Try these out:

1. Write the great qualities down in a Sticky note it and Post it on the wall where everyone can see it. You can choose a spot for all family members, or each can choose a spot like their bedroom doors or walls

*(For little children, use stickers or stamps for them to use instead of writing, give them an option)

2. At breakfast time or dinner time, go around the table and each person will say something they

appreciate about themselves/other family members.

3. Say ‘I love you’ in the morning and at night

4. Practice Daily Affirmations like this one


For Preschoolers at home or daycare: - Appreciation Tree: Put a tree poster on the wall/board and put sticky notes from each other indicating something they appreciate about a peer, could be something they did, they said or a good character. - Mailboxes/Stickers - Each child can have a folder/mailbox that their peers can leave notes, gifts, cards or stickers to make their friends feel good or to thank them. - Good morning/Hello Song: recognizing everyone in the group as they come in or at Circle time

- Stories/Kind words - Read stories like 'Have you filled a bucket today?', 'It's okay to be different', etc. and also remind children of using kind words and manners to each other. - Photos: Post photos of each child in the room or snapshots of sharing or working together of children and make time to talk about it.

For Infants/Toddlers at home or daycare:

- Good morning/Hello Song: recognizing everyone in the group as they come in or at Circle time - Photos: Post photos of each child in the room or snapshots of sharing or working together of children and make time to talk about it - Stories- Read stories like 'Have you filled a bucket today?', 'It's okay to be different', etc. - Thumbs Up/high fives : Give children a high five or thumbs up to let them know you're proud of them. Make sure you show them that you notice the great things they do.

Try this out with yourself, partner, older children, staff, team mates and other groups.

1. Each person thinks about things they are good at doing.

2. Each person thinks about physical traits they possess that they are proud of or believe are appealing.

3. Each person thinks of ways they consider themselves to be a “good person”.

4. Each person thinks about things they have done which they are proud of.


Let us always try to see the good in everybody and in ourselves!

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